continuing education courses

Available ceu courses

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Sink Selection for Sustainability and Accessibility

This Sloan course reviews restroom design trends for commercial buildings by focusing on sink/lavatory system technology and the sustainability and accessibility trends surrounding them. The program will discuss the expanding role architects and designers play in accessible designs – striking a balance between hand washing needs and design flexibility. 

The program compares a variety of sink/lavatory systems and corresponding components. It discusses how each component can enhance the sustainably of hand washing functions while still providing style within a space. Additionally the course will cover appropriate ADA, LEED and Wellness design criteria.

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Specifying Plumbing Fixtures for K-12 and Higher Education Facilities

Restroom design for educational facilities has unique considerations, and further differences arise when planning for K-12 or higher education projects.

Budget and maintenance are top concerns for both sectors, but building operators and designers must deal with the reality that the majority of users are youths who may not be mature enough to properly care for these heavy-traffic spaces.

Sustainability and ADA compliance are also chief concerns in restroom design.