Sloan’s fast, super-intuitive new search tool that lets you pinpoint the perfect touch-free faucet for your next project, based on anything from spout design to list price.
Click the image to begin selecting a faucet or to learn more read Sloan’s blog post “4-and-a-half ways to explore new Sloan faucet finder
An immersive way to experience our latest products and innovations. You are invited to visit Sloan’s traveling showroom and interact with their award-winning flushometers, fixtures, sinks, faucets and soap dispensers like never before. If you’re interested in scheduling a visit to your office, please email Sarah Bailey at
Click image to view video
Click image to download the 2020 Complete Repair Parts and Maintenance Guide or to search by product type.
Sloan is excited to introduce One Sloan, our first wholesaler portal, to help make your job easier! Sloan is always striving to make working with us as simple and effi- cient as possible and One Sloan will help.
Simple and quick access to:
• Pricing
• Inventory
• Order history
• Account information
• Technical documents
• Product information
Click image to learn more. If you’d like sign-up or have questions, please contact Travis Pannell at
Sloan offers a full line of fixtures including lavatories, urinals and water closets. Click here to view the consolidated list of offerings. Contact us today for model #s, pricing and availability.